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Criminal Justice Administration Degree

Individuals interested in management or supervisory positions in the field of criminal justice should consider earning a degree in criminal justice administration. People working in criminal justice typically begin their careers in entry-level positions before receiving promotions; however, obtaining a degree in criminal justice administration will enhance job opportunities and earning potential immediately after graduating from college. If you're interested in supervisory positions, earning a degree in justice administration can lead to administrative opportunities with law enforcement and government agencies. Earning a degree in justice administration usually leads to careers in either law enforcement or corrections.

The Law Enforcement Track
Law enforcement is a common focus of many justice administration programs. Even though many law enforcement positions, such as police officer, do not require a degree, completing a justice administration degree positions candidates for a variety of additional law enforcement jobs and opportunities for career advancement. Police officers, Sheriffs, patrol officers, customs agents, US marshalls and federal law enforcement agents (ie., FBI, DEA, Border Patrol, etc.) would all benefit from earning an advanced degree in justice administration.

A justice administration degree with a focus on law enforcement introduces students to myriad of topics including criminology, criminal law, criminal psychology, evidence processing, communication and ethics, to name just a few. Students will explore in depth the U.S. criminal justice systems from initial arrest to sentencing.

The Corrections Track
Corrections involves detaining, processing, incarceration and rehabilitation of suspected and convicted criminals. Aspiring corrections officers, parole officers, probation officers, pre-release counselors, juvenile detention counselors and halfway house managers will benefit from earning a degree in justice administration.

A justice administration degree with a focus on corrections introduces students to various law enforcement topics such as criminology, criminal law, corrections procedure, crisis resolution, ethics, negotiation and communication. Students will also learn how to manage inmates, reduce recidivism and engender positive growth.

Other Options
Degree programs in criminal justice administration are available at all levels. Associate and bachelor degrees in justice administration are most common, but many colleges now offer master's degrees as well. Earning a master's degree in justice administration will benefit those pursuing career opportunities in law, courts, forensics, criminal investigation, fraud deterrance and loss prevention.

Many accredited colleges and universities now offer online justice administration degree programs, designed for working professionals who require a convenient, flexible alternative to a traditional campus based program.

Below you can explore criminal justice administration degree programs that are available online and on campus.

Criminal Justice Administration Degree Programs

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