American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

If the ancient ways of healing are best, the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) can offer an excellent learning experience. Instruction in the healing arts of acupuncture, Tai Ji Quan, Chinese herbology and Qigong are taught at this institution, which is located in San Francisco.

The highest-quality education in these healing arts is available due to the excellent faculty and staff. Western and Chinese-trained staff provides a wealth of clinical experience and instruction in traditional ways of Chinese medicine.

Internships are available at clinics and locations throughout the country, some in the San Francisco bay area. These internships help provide low-cost options for treatment. Others may be able to obtain an internship in China or other diverse locations.

Students can earn a Master’s degree of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as a doctorate in AOM. Specialties are available in Asian Body Therapy certificates, Pain Management and Gynecology.

Interested students can complete a federal student aid form (FAFSA) if they so desire and must have finished 90 semester or 135 quarter units of study at an accredited university.

ACTCM also offers several continuing education courses covering various subjects including herbal therapy, Tuina, caring for companion animals, physical therapy, environmental science and much more.

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